与其是讲Jarvis,不如是讲谢菲尔德这座城。正是因为这座城才有Jarvis这样的精神风貌。我喜欢,Sheffield Harmony合唱团的女生唱Common People;我喜欢迷妹们一起唱“just you, stood there, only in your underwear”; 我喜欢路边的朋克老太对音乐的犀利见解,"I like the music made you think";我喜欢老人家在餐馆里合唱关爱老年人;我喜欢那个在伦敦被一夜抢劫两次,在Sheffield至少被熟人抢劫的青年;我最喜欢的是那个直播的小女孩,她说“我不想这么快长大,哪怕我是个青少年了,我依然是个小女孩,我最喜欢的是年少的时光”。我想,这不就是千千万万个Jarvis吗。Jarvis,I'm gonna embroider your name in my underwear which is the best way to pay tribute.
The crew of the Orville run a test of the new Pterodon fighter craft using live ammunition in and around an active yakubd.net repair station. This is grossly and needlessly dangerous and runs a high risk of causing damage to equipment and life.