爱玩怪兽是由下山真吾执导,高野麻里佳,西田望见,井上雄贵主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:正体不明の怪獣たちが突如出現。 シュールな世界観の中で“怖カワイイ”愛玩怪獣たちが次々と登場し、縦横無尽に暴れ回る。 玩具のような外見の彼らは、見た目も行動もそのすべてが人間の想定外。 人類
Life is a mess./What does this industry do to people? Keeps us sharp. It keeps us alone. It means we see the world exactly as it is. No distractions, no loyalty/ There isn't a solution to the world... there's not always progress... While you try to hold up a mirror to expose hypocrisies around the edge of a world that doesn't really exist, we influ