斗牌传说是由佐藤雄三,田中洋之,中村亮介,伊藤智彦,若林汉二,长崎健司,山内东生雄,岛崎奈奈子,池田重隆执导,萩原圣人,玄田哲章,津嘉山正种,小山力也,高木涉,田中秀幸,佐藤雄大,佐藤银平,古谷彻主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:下着雨的偏僻的麻将馆中,出现了一个由于无事可做而沉溺于麻将的少年。无论是谁,看到他那雪白的头发,都会情不自禁的想象他至今走过的人生。少年的名字叫akagi…… 作者以麻雀贯穿整部动画加之阴暗的背
Director Richard Linklater subsequently employed Sabiston and his proprietary Rotoshop software in the full-length feature movies Waking Life (2001) and A Scanner Darkly (2006). Linklater licensed the same proprietary rotoscoping process for the look of both movies. Linklater was the first director to use digital rotoscoping to create an entire feature movie