The wonderful Sultan’s daughter Every day used to rush, Around the evening hour to the fountain, Where the white waters splash. The young slave stood pale At the fountain, around evening,, Where the white waters wail; And his paleness was increasing. One evening the princess approached him With sudden words, like a whip: I want to know your name, Your home and your kinship! And the slave spoke: My name is Mohammed I come from the Yemen that I cherish, And I stem from the tribe of Asra, From those who, when they love, they perish.
OHMYGOSHILOVEITILOVEITILOVEIT!!! 我尤其喜欢将对老版经典镜头的致敬与只有今天才做得到的一些现代小玩意儿结合在一起的黑色笑点。当然弊病也很多,隔门的那几场戏我其实不大能抓到为啥这么拍,母子间姐妹间很多情感全靠演员的演绎方式撑起来,实际上剧情对这方面的描述少到近乎于无。小Kassie早熟的思考模式没有很好地渲染,导致我老觉得她要变。当处理到感情部分的时候我总有一种“我能get到但那是因为我很会get不是因为电影表达得很好搁别人估计就get不到”的感觉……当然毛病再多也抵不过妈妈爱我我爱妈妈!(话说这部里男人的存在感被女性角色挤到非常边缘的位置,尽管我是觉得这种处理方式比新月光光心慌慌让人舒适很多,但很明显少数的男人的个性塑造也比全体女性丰满立体很多,我很疑惑,不