僵尸道长2国语是由林正英执导,林正英,尹天照,杨恭如,文颂娴,林文龙主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:毛小方(林正英 饰)是远近闻名的除魔道长,某日,女飞贼黑玫瑰(商天娥 饰)来到墓穴之中,窃取了慈禧口中的宝石,没想到使得慈禧就此苏醒,带领着她的僵尸兵团在小镇里作威作福。所幸毛小方即使赶到,才化解
帶著膜拜經典的心態... 看過的希區柯克的電影中, 目前覺得這部最好也最喜歡這部. 一樣是精心策劃深不可測的陰謀, 以及另一主線愛情, 但更喜歡這個故事, 分不清戲內外的男女主人公以及那個結尾真讓人唏噓.
I love this show... other than how they are a little sexist sometimes... (I mean female characters are all so badass so why do their storyline get sidelined?) it is a great show. Although like always... the main character is the least interesting one. Especially because he's destined to be great or something.