屋顶上的绿宝石是由崔宝珠执导,霍建华,孙俪,姚采颖,胡宇威,贾乃亮,张国立,张铁林,刘雪华,白冰冰,邬倩倩,张翊生主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:周念中(霍建华 饰)与聂凯(胡宇崴 饰)是从小一起玩大的兄弟,虽无血缘关系,但感情胜过亲手足,随着女孩莫家琦(孙俪 饰)的出现,俩人之间的关系变得微妙起来。家琦父亲临终前,留给妻子和女儿各一条绿宝
the bourgeois women’s alienation: she has so much time to wonder, no need to worry about how to earn a living. All she does is to feel the indescribable pain of modern life. "I am not a single woman, but I always feel lonely". True, this is the condition of modern men and women, this is the malaise of modenity.