浑身是胆是由元奎执导,陈小春,袁咏仪,王敏德,李香凝主演的一部动作片。主要讲述了:职业大盗马田(王敏德 饰)联手“神枪手”文迪(李香凝 饰),两人企图偷窃大名鼎鼎的“沙皇之星”,谁知道他们的计划被毛头小贼麦大海(陈小春 饰)和露丝(袁咏仪 饰)无意中得知,两人想要加入这支“夺宝
“We leaves villages to get a job in a factory.Is there anything else?this is your only chance.But this chance will leave you bored.So you will find something interesting.Styling hair is interesting.You don’t have anything else.You can’t afford cars or whatever.All i can play with is my hair.It’s true.”楼房包围的城市天井里,长镜头回旋、自转,他们向上看,天空捉摸不定、彷徨迷茫。