魔法少女伊莉雅:无名少女是由大沼心执导,门胁舞以,名冢佳织,斋藤千和,杉山纪彰,高野直子,嘉数由美,植田佳奈,伊藤静,福圆美里,远藤绫,白石凉子,钉宫理惠,诸星堇,花江夏树主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:《#Fatekaleid liner# #魔法少女☆伊莉雅#》新作剧场版《Fatekaleid liner 魔法少女☆伊莉雅 Licht 无名少女》将于2021年在日本上映!。
The music is a mix of rap, Latin, and R&B but there isn't a memorable song. The only dance number worth mentioning is the swimming pool (96g) scene. The musical wants to convey social economic problems such as immigration, racism, and gentrification to its audience. Honestly I doubt the messages would get through such busy a movie.