剑骨是由李亮执导,张英,唐钰,宁冀荣,许子尧,荣子,孙露,婆拓童,王心语,厉达,炙措,唐泽宗主演的一部国产动漫。主要讲述了:立下赫赫战功的北境大将军裴旻,因莫须有之罪名,被满门抄斩。在西岭籍籍无名的草根少年宁奕,机缘巧合,救下了将军府唯一的幸存者,裴旻的女儿,自此一大一小,兄妹二人,艰难求生。 三位皇子争夺皇位,以天下
There has been a lot of weird shows lately but this one is by far the best!! It's a horror comedy that's not scary or funny but just super weird. I'm not sure about the ending n it's hard to describe the appeal, but this show is awesome n so very gifable<333