达摩祖师是由蒲腾晋,袁英明执导,吕良伟,俞小凡,翁虹,杨丽菁,陈明真,杨恭如,蒋勤勤,范冰冰,孙莉,李小冉,王彤,刘思彤,连静雯,屈中恒主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:达摩到中国弘扬大乘佛教之时,正值南北朝分裂时代,民心凋敝。 达摩行医济世,在下层百姓中广结善缘。他救助了面临被焚噩运的麻疯女小婵,在日久相处中小婵心生爱慕,这给潜心修炼的达摩带来诸多不便。达摩到
Not as exciting as "Eye in the Sky" but still a well told amazing story. It is good to be reminded of the frustration of the Iraq War and the movie did a good job touching on multiple issues without deviating from the main story. I liked the subtlety. It's also interesting to see a husband in the underdeveloped supportive partner role.