戛纳第二场。挺莫名其妙的电影。等了半天姐弟闹掰的原因结果原来就是嫉妒,歇斯底里地怨恨对方“我才是天之骄子我不能接受你比我优秀”“你个疯女人居然这么恨我所以我要写书骂你”。。然后又莫名其妙地和解了,还莫名其妙地来了段姐弟同床,搞得我从困意中清醒过来兴奋地以为要开始上演背德骨科戏码=_= (不过珀波确实还蛮帅的
A lot of pain comes from caring too much. It is not that bad to be the rickest Rick who doesn't really give a shit about anything. Episode 1 of season 6 is so heartbreaking. Partially, It is talking about Let It Go. For God's sake, it is so hard. I am so haunted and tortured always by the past and by the one I liked and finally lost. I am so sorry.