首先说 好喜欢 作为一名饮酒爱好者 看了开头就很担心 可别是个酒类劝退片儿… 看完释怀了 虽然还是有些悲伤的元素 但是关于饮酒这件事 还算是讲的挺客观的 酒精只是掩藏或放大了本就存在的东西 不会无中生有 所以它其实在告诉我们 要勇敢面对 所以 可以放心举杯啦 毕竟 人生得意须尽欢
“It feels like they handed me over a ticking bomb simply because they want it in a woman’s hand when it explodes. ” “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all. I’ve heard it in the chillest land, and on the strangest sea. Yet never in extremity. It asked a crumb of me. ”