《快乐嗨翻天 重庆站》剧情简介
快乐嗨翻天 重庆站是由执导,主演的一部大陆综艺。主要讲述了:《快乐嗨翻天》联动最强电商与最强内容,定义直播综艺新形态。节目由顶尖内容创作团队领衔,将热门综艺内容移植线下,游戏互动与购物优惠结合,6月17日重庆落地狂欢,与明星艺人一起,边嗨边买边分享!
《快乐嗨翻天 重庆站》相关评论
1.5 Childish kids playing with CGI toys. At least they are not stupid enough to blow up the new World Trade Center. Seriously they should have stopped him ten years ago . Who let him do it again? Oh Chinese money. Fine, don’t look up and keep your head down.